Thanksgiving has come and gone. It kind of lost it’s luster this year because two very important people were not here. Ronnie’s parents could not make it out this year because of cancer treatments and such. Ronnie’s Mom, Sue, has been my Black Friday buddy for the past few years and I so missed her this year. I couldn’t even bring myself to go out and join the crazies without her. Our French silk pie didn’t taste the same without Ronnie’s Dad helping to make it. Now I’m in no way saying this was his doing but, one year I left the pie making up to the guys while I went to take a shower. Upon my return to the kitchen I see everyone hovered over the mixing bowl. Apparently an eggshell dropped into the mixing bowl as it was whipping around as fast as it could. They managed to save the pie by picking each tiny eggshell out. There may have been a strainer used in the process, I can’t remember all the details, nevertheless the pie never tasted so good.
Now Christmas is right around the corner. There are so many fun things to do this time of year but so little time. We did make it to the kids Christmas Program at school where a very nervous little kindergartener ran from the stage throwing up. That’s a night we wont soon forget! Lana is getting over her stage freight and can now stay up on stage without crying out DADDY, DADDY. DADDY. Kyle can sing wonderfully and really enjoys it but you could never tell from the look on his face. During the whole program he had a scour look on his face because it’s no longer “cool” to smile. I tried to get a good picture of them all dressed and ready to impress but…
We have been to many places where Lana has visited with the Jolly Ol’ Man himself. Places like Opportunity Village, Ethel M, the Church Christmas Party, and even Wal-Mart. Each Santa she visited with she told them she wanted the same thing. Now here is where I wish I could scream this from the rooftops because it makes me look like a good mom, she told all 4 Santa’s that she wanted a book. A BOOK, not a video game, or bike, or the latest and greatest toy, but a BOOK. Now here is where I tell you the truth behind this. She has given Grandma a list of things she would like from her. Then when my parents asked her what she wanted she couldn’t come up with anything because she knew that Grandma would get her everything on her list so she needed to think of something new for them to get her. We were over at my parents house one day organizing craft supplies using a label maker when Lana discovered this new device. She then asked them to give her a label maker for Christmas. Then when we went to the 4 Santa’s she was out of gift ideas so she asked for books, because you can never have too many books. Regardless of how this came to be, Santa will be very happy to buy her books, I’m just sure of it.
We finally got the Christmas cards in the mail and now we can eat dinner on the table without being surrounded by cardstock, tape, sticky dots, pictures…all the CRAP STUFF craft stuff it took to make them. Ronnie actually came up with the idea this year. We tried to mimic the It’s A Wonderful Life DVD cover. Incase you’re wondering, yes I made Kyle squat down. He’s about as tall as I am!
The kids made puppets one night.
They also got to play in snow. They have a teacher at school that lives on Mt. Charleston and he drives a truck so when it snows he brings snow down for the kids to play with.
And at some point Lana turned into a singing elf.
I think she was singing…All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth.