So I’m supposed to be packing for our spring break trip, but I’m finding myself distracted with all the little details. We are flying on a different airline and they charge by the bag. I’m so stressing about their guidelines as to what a carryon is. So much so I’m about to take a little drive to the airport and see if they would measure my bags. I have measured them and if I squish them they are the right size…almost… We picked this airline because they saved us about $600.00 so I guess if I have to pay an extra $80 for a bag I shouldn’t stress about it. We are also going to miss the kid’s Spring Play. It’s more of a concert than a play, but it was going to be SOOOO cute this year. They have a fabulous music teacher who I just adore! She has the kids singing pop songs and they are so excited about it.
Lana’s class is singing New Soul by Yael Naim, such a cute song for her to sing. Take a listen:
Kyle’s class is singing Replay by Iyaz. While Kyle’s class is singing the chorus Lana’s class is going to be freestyle dancing, little kids dancing always cracks me up.
The whole school is singing Fireflies by Owl City.
They are also singing Don’t Stop Believing the Glee version. The older kids sing while the younger ones do the Da Da Da’s.
Kyle’s class and the older kids are also singing Viva La Vida by Coldplay
Kyle was going to be in a group of boys singing Nine in the Afternoon by Panic at the Disco
Wouldn’t you be so bummed about missing it too? Maybe there will be an encore performance after Spring Break. On the bright side we are in for a week of chilling to the max. It’s so relaxing when we go to visit Ronnie’s parents, I’m so looking forward to it. I hope you all have a great Spring Break!
We LOVE GLEE! Yes, that's sounds sad that you'll miss it. I hope you enjoy your trip though.
And what did ya find out at the airport????
some advice needed:
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