Saturday, August 29, 2009

First Day of School

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2009    Lana – 1st Grade   Kyle - 7th Grade


2008    Kyle – 6th Grade   Lana - Kindergarten


2007   Lana - Preschool   Kyle - 5th Grade


2006   Kyle – 4th Grade   Lana – 3 years old


Those bars on the windows that I hate come in handy for something.  They show me how much my kids have grown! 

I am very lucky because I have kids that love school and actually like getting up early.  I know one of these days in the near future all that will change, but for now just let me revel in the ease of the first day of school.

1 comment:

Smart Helm said...

What fun pictures to have. I guess they've gone 2 uniforms now.