Friday, November 9, 2007

Thankful Thursday

I know it's Friday, not Thursday, I was busy last night and then dropped into bed before I realized it was Thursday. Yesterday I asked Lana what she was thankful for and here is her list:


My Toys



and the last one, You

I was quite impressed. My mom has told me the story of seeing my brother's school work on what he was thankful for that he did when he was little. He had two things listed: green beans and mashed potatoes. She said they were all thankful for those two things because that's all he we eat at the time.

It was neat to see what Lana would say, I am going to ask Kyle the same question tonight and post it next Thursday. In first grade he had a list of what he was thankful for and a few things I remember were: chop pork (he meant pork chops), the color blue, money and video games. It will be fun to see how it has changed, so stay tuned.

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