Monday, November 5, 2007

A Turkey for You and a Turkey for Me

Here's a link to the Turkey Song by Adam Sandler

Ronnie came home early from work and that meant we actually had an entire evening with the whole family at home. Those nights don’t happen as much as one might think. On Mondays Ronnie comes home in time to pick Kyle up and go to golf. Then on Tuesdays he gets home about thirty minutes before dinner and then after dinner I go to Young Women. Wednesday Kyle and Ronnie have Cub Scouts and Thursdays he doesn’t get home until after the kids are in bed. Then we get to the weekend and we are never home for some reason or another. I hope it doesn’t sound like I’m complaining, because I’m not. All those things we do are beneficial to our family. Kyle and Ronnie get some bonding time and I get out of the house one evening a week without the kids. But it does make those evenings when everyone is home more special.

Tonight we made turkeys. That’s what we did on our evening together. How did we decide this was the night we needed to make turkeys? It was all Lana’s idea. I was reading her a story out of the Friend just before her nap and on the next page was how to make a paper bag turkey. She had told me she wanted to make that and I just said ok, thinking she would forget all about it after her nap. She woke up came down the hall and said, I’m ready to make turkeys. Ronnie had just got home and had no clue what was going on. He was quite surprised when I said ok let’s make turkeys. We raided my party supply bag where I store all the party extras like hats and plates and streamers and, what we were looking for tissue paper. We hit the jackpot because we had six different colors…woohoo. Ronnie started looking at the Friend to see what else we needed and asked if we had paper bags. Little does he know that I have a running inventory of everything in my home. It may not be written down on paper or stored on a file on the computer, but I know it’s there somewhere. Luckily I was able to find the paper bags with no problem at all. I think he was quite impressed that we actually had all the things needed to make turkeys and even more impressed that I knew where everything was. So after a whole roll of sticky dots and many many pieces of tissue paper later, we had turkeys.

I am really excited
to have these added to my Thanksgiving decor. I really don’t have very many decorations for this holiday, and the homemade ones are always the cutest.

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